Avive la Vie Weekend Adventure

Experience – Connect — Belong

With Bestselling Author JF Benoist

The Avive la Vie weekend adventure is inspired by JF Benoist’s book Avive la Vie, An Adventure in Belonging.

This immersive weekend offers a profound understanding of how societal expectations shape our self-perception and influence our quest for acceptance. Throughout the experience, you will explore the six common myths of belonging that suggest our worth is dependent on external validation.

This journey will reveal a transformative approach to self-acceptance, tapping into inherent love and value from within. As we collectively embrace our inner strength and resilience, we will develop the skills to connect with our emotional selves and rise above our habitual thinking patterns.

True fulfillment comes from forming a genuine connection with ourselves, which includes deep self-love and acceptance, and from the ability to share our true selves openly and honestly with others.

The Avive la Vie weekend adventure offers transformative benefits:

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Meet Your Guide

JF Benoist is a celebrated author, speaker, and leader in mental health with over 20 years of experience in mental health, addiction, and relationship issues. In 2011, he co-founded The Exclusive Hawaii, a holistic addiction treatment center, where he introduced Experiential Engagement Therapy™, a method developed from his extensive trauma research.

His bestselling book, Addicted to the Monkey Mind: Change the Programming That Sabotages Your Life, has reached over 44,000 readers. Additionally, JF is a Certified Option Process™ Mentor/Counselor and has been actively involved with The Mankind Project for 27 years, leading international retreats focused on men’s personal development.

JF will lead you through powerful experiences that will help you connect with your brilliance, awaken your true nature, recognize your extraordinary genius, and release old hurts. The group will support you in this life-giving experience.

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To Be Notified About the Next
Avive la Vie Weekend Adventure

Following the Avive la Vie Weekend Adventure, you will experience significant benefits:

Learn strategies to let go of anxiety-driven behaviors, promoting inner calm.
Handle moments of being triggered with composure and grace.
Foster authentic communication by increasing your understanding and sensitivity towards others.
Cultivate heart-to-heart relationships reinforcing a strong sense of community and inclusion.
We might feel insignificant or inadequate or blame external circumstances. What we truly yearn for is a deep, resonant connection.
It represents a shift from a mindset of self-correction for acceptance to one where forming genuine connections takes precedence.
Thereby rediscovering our true essence and inherent qualities of resilience, courage, love, and value. It offers a transformative journey into belonging.



Secure your place now for our weekend adventures. By registering early, you’ll receive priority information about the specific locations, dates, and times and have the opportunity to register before anyone else. Our adventures typically start on Friday at 5 p.m. and end on Sunday at 4 p.m.

This adventure is tailored for individuals eager to overcome self-defeating habits that hinder their self-connection and ability to forge genuine relationships. Attendees come from diverse backgrounds, all united by a common pursuit of true belonging and connection.
Absolutely. Couples will find this experience particularly beneficial for deepening their emotional intimacy, enhancing their presence with each other, helping to resolve ongoing conflicts, and fostering greater vibrancy and honesty in the relationship.

We tackle various challenges, including relationship conflicts, career indecision, career dilemmas, financial stress, general directionlessness, anxiety, depressive thoughts, and the pursuit of happiness. By tuning into our minds and emotional states, we unlock the ability to manage previously daunting issues.

Yes, stress and anxiety often signal unmet needs in our bodies. This weekend teaches methods to address and learn from the tension in our bodies, altering the deep-seated patterns that fuel anxiety.

It’s normal to feel hesitant. Our environment prioritizes emotional safety and consensual interaction, allowing you to engage at your comfort level.

The weekend is grounded in the principles of Avive la Vie: An Adventure in Belonging. Participants will become aware of false belonging habits and self-corrective behaviors undermining thriving and learn to reclaim their inherent courage, resilience, love, and value.
We respect your personal pace and style. The space is designed to empower each participant to express themselves in their own unique way.
Commitment is key. By committing to the process, you prepare to navigate and overcome challenges. We encourage discussing concerns beforehand to ensure you can fully engage and trust in the weekend’s learning process.
Suffering often arises from misalignment, fear of rejection, and feeling unrecognized. During the weekend, you’ll learn how to attune to your emotional self and authentically express your experiences, leading to transformative personal growth.
Yes, our in-person weekend provides a nurturing environment that promotes connection and ensures safety. You’ll be fully accepted as you are, with all feelings of hurt, pain, confusion, or frustration met with respect and expert care. This supportive setting fosters emotional intelligence and reconnects you with your inherent qualities of courage, resilience, love, and value.

Many of us yearn for deeper connections and to feel valued and courageous. The weekend is designed to help you achieve this through a secure and nurturing environment that facilitates restoring your nervous system, emotional attunement, and relationships, allowing you to rediscover your true self and a sense of belonging.

Post-adventure, participants are invited to join a weekly online group with their peers to continue applying the skills learned. This ongoing support helps solidify the resilience and transformations begun during the weekend.

Join A Complimentary Session!

You are invited to be a participant on The Avive la Vie Talk Show group experience. A gentle, direct, joyful connection.

Note: By participating in this free class, each participant gives permission to record the session for use in producing The Avive la Vie Talk Show.